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10 Mistakes to Avoid as a Wedding Photographer in 2023

Wedding photography is a challenging but rewarding profession. It requires not only technical skill and artistic talent, but also the ability to handle the many different personalities and situations that arise on a wedding day. Despite their best efforts, even the most experienced photographers can make mistakes.

Here are the top 10 mistakes that wedding photographers commonly make and how to avoid them.

  1. Not being prepared

    Before the wedding day, photographers should make sure they have all the necessary equipment, including backup gear in case of equipment failure. They should also arrive early to the wedding venue to scout out locations for photos and get a sense of the layout.

  2. Not communicating with the couple

    Ask any bride in the world and this point is one of the biggest pains for couples. Photographers should communicate with the couple beforehand to understand their vision for the wedding photos and to get a shot list. They should also communicate with the couple and the wedding planner throughout the day to ensure that they are capturing the important moments.

  3. Not capturing candid moments

    While posed shots are important, candid shots are often the most memorable and heartfelt. Photographers should be on the lookout for spontaneous moments throughout the day and be ready to capture them. This point is extremally important for photographers that have multiple teams. Correctly pairing your shooters habits and styles together is important for not only customer service but the final product when you deliver. Delivering a well rounded portfolio to you client should be a top priority.

  4. Not having a backup plan for bad weather

    Outdoor weddings are beautiful, but they can also be unpredictable. Photographers should have a backup plan in case of bad weather, such as having access to a covered area or having the couple do a first look indoors.

  5. Not paying attention to lighting

    Lighting is a critical element of photography, and wedding photographers should pay attention to the quality and direction of light throughout the day. They should also be prepared with lighting equipment, such as reflectors and off-camera flashes, to enhance the photos.

  6. Not getting the right angle

    The angle at which a photo is taken can greatly affect the composition and impact of the image. Photographers should experiment with different angles and heights to find the most flattering and interesting perspective. Time and experience will be your friend here. This is a skill that is earned over many weddings and event. deconstruct your own work after every session so you can find your mistakes early and correct them.

  7. Not editing every photo your client gets

    Your in-camera shots are amazing! But even the best photos can benefit from editing to improve color, contrast, and composition. Photographers should take the time to carefully edit the photos to ensure that they look their best. Shooting over 2-3000 photos might seem daunting to edit but remember that you have presets for a reason. Batch editing is your friend so you can focus on the money shots your clients will be putting on their walls!

  8. Not delivering the photos in a timely manner

    We’ve all heard horror stories from brides about how they got their photos over a year or two later or not getting them at all! Couples often can't wait to see their wedding photos, and photographers should make every effort to deliver the photos as quickly as possible. They should also provide the couple with a variety of options for receiving the photos, such as digital downloads or physical prints.

  9. Not being a good fit for the couple

    Every couple is different, and photographers should make sure that their style and personality are a good match for the couple. If the couple is looking for a more traditional approach, a photographer with a more contemporary style may not be the best fit. We have a blog specially for this point. This should actually be the first step in your couples buying journey. Vet your personalities.

  10. Not backing up the photos

    Wedding photos are irreplaceable, and photographers should take every precaution to ensure that they are properly backed up. This includes having multiple copies on different storage devices and backing up the photos in the cloud. Yes, you have insurance to cover lost photos, but trust me when I say you don’t want to have that conversation!

Wedding photography is a demanding but rewarding field. By avoiding these common mistakes, photographers can ensure that they are providing their clients with beautiful and memorable photos that they will treasure for a lifetime.